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Lycanbd Game, Android Game, Wigget,Os,Tip...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit....
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore ...
The code is under a "Do whatever you want with it" license as far as I'm concerned, as it says in the code, it was based on someone else's code already.
It should be noted that that code will no longer compile due to changes in the Processing environment over the years.
int i;Now you want to declare an integer pointer:
int *i;When you're declaring variables, the asterisk signifies that the variable is a pointer. Easy enough, right?
int* i;Note that the space is now between the asterisk and the variable, so you're seeing "int*" instead of "int". This is conceptually a much better way to declare your pointers, because it stresses the fact that pointers are a distinct type. Unfortunately, here is where the evil asterisk rears his ugly head. Let's say now I want to declare two integers:
int a, b;Good so far. Now I'm going to declare two integer pointers:
int* a, b;Simple, right? No! The above code is wrong, even though it should be correct. What the above line of code actually does is declare 'a' as in int pointer and 'b' as a regular old integer, making it very difficult to treat pointers the way they ought to be treated -- as a separate type.
int *a, *b;The above code correctly declares two pointers but makes the evil asterisk appear to be in his other role, which I'll get to in a bit. First, one other important note about declaring pointers: Never leave them uninitialized. It's 2011 at the time of this post -- the overhead of initializing a pointer is utterly minuscule compared to the amount of time it will save you later on when it's time to debug your code. The real way to declare a pointer is like this:
int* i = 0;So, what am I doing here? Remember that a pointer is its own type, and it holds a memory address that points to a location in memory. When I set a pointer equal to something, I'm actually changing that memory address itself, not what's stored in the memory address. Hence, the above variable declaration is creating a pointer that points to memory address zero, which is invalid.
/* In C: */Egad, what's all that craziness in the C version?
#include <stdlib.h>
int* i = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
/* In C++: */
int *i = new int;
#include <stdlib.h>First we'll take a look at malloc(). Malloc is actually a function that's declare in stdlib.h, which is why we included it. What malloc() does is allocates a block of memory and returns a void pointer to the allocated memory address.
int* i = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
int *i = new int;When you say "new int" or "new char" or "new whatever" in C++, you're going through the same process as above, but in a much more readable way. The "new" operator looks at the type you gave it, initializes the memory for that type, and returns a pointer to it.
int* i = new int; // Here, I'm using * to signifyNotice that when I'm dereferencing i, I write (*i). The parentheses aren't strictly necessary, but they're another way to differentiate between using the asterisk to declare a pointer type and using it to dereference a pointer. In this case, the asterisk is an operator that operates on the pointer i and returns an integer variable that's located at the memory address i points to. I can then treat the result of that operation the same way I would treat any other integer.
// a type.
(*i) = 100; // Here I'm using * as the dereference
// operator. I'm setting the value of the
// memory address that i points to to 100.
cout << "This is a memory address: " << i << "\n";
cout << "This is the value of that memory address: " << (*i) << "\n";
int i = 0;These above two lines of code do the same thing, the only difference being that the first line also declares i as an integer before it sets it to zero. Now look at this code:
i = 0;
int *i = 0;Any reasonable person would assume (wrongly) that the two above lines of code do exactly the same thing, with the exception that the first line also declares i as a pointer. In actuality, the first line ("int *i = 0;") creates a pointer an initializes the address that the pointer points to to zero. The second line dereferences the pointer and sets the value stored at the address to zero. In any case, if you try running the above two lines of code in immediate succession, you'll get a null pointer error, because you've set the pointer to a null address.
*i = 0;
int* i = 0;Now, it's a lot more clear, despite the efforts of that thrice-damned asterisk, that the first line is initializing a pointer and the second line is dereferencing a pointer and setting the value of its address. (Note that running these two lines in immediate succession would still cause a null pointer error, for the same reason as above).
(*i) = 0;
/* In C: */The free() function is essentially the reverse of the malloc() function, in that it tells the computer you're no longer using the memory that the pointer points to. The computer then releases the memory back into the pool so that it can be allocated again. The C++ delete operator does the same thing. The only catch here is that if you're writing in C++, even though it's possible to use malloc() and free(), you can't mix malloc() with delete and new with free(), since internally they work in different ways. In C++, it's best practice to avoid malloc() and free altogether, and you should never delete a pointer allocated with malloc(), or free() a pointer allocated with new.
#include <stdlib.h>
i = 0;
/* In C++: */
delete i;
i = 0;
And of course FOSS is to the rescue and provides you with all the tools you need:
Based on this you take a small part and try to make it seamless, e.g. make the edges fit to each other so that it can be tiled endlessly on a 3D surface in a game.
So there you have it... start making some texture packs and upload them to OpenGameArt!